Girl Membership
Financial assistance for Girl Membership may only be requested by the parent/guardian of a girl who resides within the 32 counties served by Girl Scouts of Northeast Texas.
We know a lot of our Girl Scout family are facing challenging personal circumstances right now, especially around finances. Our hope is that you’ll allow GSNETX to make the purchase of your annual Girl Scout membership on your behalf if it alleviates any general anxiety, uncertainty, or financial stress you may be facing during this time.
We are simplifying the way our members can get help to pay for their membership. Financial assistance for membership is now part of the online registration process. Simply check the Request Aid box on the Payment screen to receive coverage for the $25 annual membership fee.
Adult Membership
Financial assistance for Adult Membership may only be requested by an adult who resides within the 32 counties served by Girl Scouts of Northeast Texas. Financial assistance for Adult Membership is only available to cover a portion of the membership for those who hold one of the following roles: Troop Leader, Troop Cookie Manager, Troop Volunteer, or Service Unit Team Position.