1. Log In: Go to my.girlscouts.org or click the MY GS logo at the top of this page to log into your Girl Scout account.
Select the My Household tab.
2. Renew Your Family Members: For each member, confirm the roles and troops they are returning to. Click "Select All" button if everyoone is returning to the same roles and troops. Be sure that the membership, troop, and volunteer role (as applicable) are selected for each household member you want to renew.
Click the green "Add Renewal" button in the bottom right-hand corner to continue.
3. Review Member Details: On the Confirm Member Details page, review your profile information and update the details for each household member as needed.
- For girls, be sure School Attending is correct.
- Under Choose a Membership Year, select the 2023-2024 membership year.
- Under Choose Payment Type, select how you would like to pay. If you need financial assistance, simply select "Apply for Financial Aid.
Click "Next Participant" to repeat the process for each household member being renewed. When done, select the green "Sumbit member details" button then the "Review Cart" button.
4. Payment: On the Review Your Cart page, confirm that the information is displaying correctly for each member. You can also opt to make a donation to Girl Scouts at this time.
Scroll to the bottom of the page and check the box to the accept the Girl Scout Promise & Law.
Click the "Add Payment Details" button.
On the Payment Details page, enter your payment information and click the green "Submit Payment" button.