Cookies, GO!
Identify a Troop Volunteer to support your Troop in the Cookie Program.
This volunteer is called a Troop Cookie Manager.
Ensure the troop has at least 2 Girl Scout Volunteers and 2 Girl Scouts registered with the troop.
Remember, a volunteer has a membership and an eligible background check on file with Girl Scouts of Northeast Texas.
Set up a Troop Bank Account.
This is how your troop will receive their proceeds from participation to power their next adventure, pay for meeting supplies and more. Note: A troop bank account is not required in order to begin participation in the Cookie Program, however the troop should make it a priority to get one set up quickly to be able to manage funds and leverage proceeds for the troop.
Renew or register as an adult volunteer with the troop in myGS .
Membership for the current year began on 10/1/2024 and ends on 9/30/2025.
Complete a background check with Girl Scouts of Northeast Texas to become an eligible Troop Volunteer.
Need help getting your background check process started? Connect with our Customer Care team at
Complete the 2025 Cookie Program Troop Cookie Manager Agreement .
This starts the process to let us know you want to serve in the Troop Cookie Manager role for your troop!
Complete training in gsLearn. 
New Troop Cookie Managers must complete "597 Cookies 101" and "597 Troop Cookie Manager 2025 Annual Update Training"
Returning 2024 Troop Cookie Managers only need to complete "597 Troop Cookie Manager 2025 Annual Update Training"
Share the 2025 Cookie Program Parent Permission Form with Families   
Renew or register as a member with the troop in myGS  .
Membership for the current year began on 10/1/2024 and ends on 9/30/2025.

Connect with Troop Cookie Manager (TCM) to order cookies.
Starting January 6th, set up Digital Cookie site to sell online and process credit card payments.
Digital Cookie resources including how to's and tip sheets launch in late December.
Digital cookie

With the help of her parent/caregiver, a Girl Scout sets up Digital Cookie to sell online. Orders open January 6th. No money-handling or guesswork required. 

Shipped orders: 1/6 - 1/31
Girl-delivered orders: 1/6 - 3/2
Donated orders: 1/6 - 3/2
Mobile in-hand (credit cards, on-the-go,  and at booth sales: 1/10 - 3/2

In Person

Starting January 10, Girl Scouts can begin selling in person in their local community. Selling door to door, to family and friends, teammates, and beyond, asking her network of contacts is a great way to get started! Our Cookie Mix Calculator will help you know what cookies to have on hand to meet the demand.

Booth Sales

Have you ever seen a Girl Scout selling cookies at your favorite neighborhood restaurant or grocery store? That’s called a cookie booth sale! Girls and their families can work with their Troop Cookie Manager (TCM) to set up booth sales as a new way to reach more customers.

My Sale Booths begin 1/10/2025. These are booth sales organized and set up by families and troops. Make sure to follow the My Sale Booth process under the "My Sale Process and Resources" accordion under the volunteer section on this page.

Council Organized Booths begin 1/24/2025. Locations are secured by Girl Scouts of Northeast Texas and troops can sign up for slots in eBudde.