Patch Programs
Calling all innovative minds! Come learn how plastic is important to our modern lifestyle and see how polymer scientists and engineers are improving the world around us by developing new materials to make shoes, medical equipment, and bike helmets. You’ll even mold your own plastic items as you learn about basic color theory. Brought to you by the Society of Plastics Engineers. To complete this patch, pick up your free kit (one per troop) at your local Girl Scout shop. To watch videos pertaining to the patch, follow this link . When you have completed your patch, fill online reporting form  to request your patch. More details coming soon.
Take to the sky! The Future Pilots Patch, sponsored by Skydio, immerses you into the world and science of flight. Go on adventures as you learn about the importance of birds in flight and the history of women in the sky. This patch is available year round. Download PDF

GSNETX will provide handouts at STEM events that explain which portion of the STEM Seal of Approval will be earned.)

We are committed to building girls’ interest, awareness, and competence in STEM. Your girls can join the fun by working on special GSNETX Council STEM patches. The Texas Instruments STEM center, Air Liquide (S), and Toyota Connected (E)  are free. *The T and M patch are not free*

Once earned, complete the online reporting form and use your confirmation email to pick up your new patch. 

Looking to host a STEM event where girls can earn their STEM Seal of Approval patch? Contact for details.

Girls may celebrate Earth Day all month long as they learn that using resources wisely makes the world a better place. This patch is only available in April.  Download PDF

Black History Month Patch
Girl Scouts of all backgrounds are invited to learn about Black History Month and appreciate the noteworthy contributions of Black and African American people. Let’s honor the phenomenal African American women who shaped our history and the Girl Scout movement. Powered by the Dallas Mavericks.  Download PDF

GSNETX Conmemora el Mes de la Historia Afroestadounidense 
Este programa está diseñando para ayudar a las Girl Scouts de todos los orígenes a aprender sobre el Mes de la Historia Afroestadounidense, así como valorar las importantes contribuciones que han hecho las personas negras y afroestadounidenses a lo largo de la historia. Honremos a las extraordinarias mujeres afroestadounidenses que dieron pie a nuestra historia y al del movimiento de Girl Scouts. Impulsado por los Dallas Mavericks.  Download PDF

Black History Month is an annual celebration of achievements and contributions of the African American and Black communities—a time (though not the only time!) for emphasizing the central role of this varied community throughout U.S. history. Also known as African American History Month, the event grew out of “Negro History Week,” the brainchild of noted historian Carter G. Woodson and other prominent African Americans. We’ve got plenty of activities for you to choose from as you join the Black History Month celebration. You’ll discover and learn your way to earning a Fun Patch! Not a free patch.  

Click here for activities.
Actividades en Español
This patch is designed for Girl Scouts of all levels and their leaders, to celebrate the cultural richness of all people in the U.S. whose ancestors came from Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean, and Central and South America. Girls and leaders have plenty of activities to choose from to earn this fun patch, and we encourage girls from all ethnic backgrounds to participate, they are sure to learn interesting new things. Not a free patch.

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Actividades en Español
The Girl Scout Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month Fun Patch is designed for Girl Scouts of all levels and their leaders, to celebrate the cultural richness of all people in the U.S. whose ancestors came from the Pacific Islands or the Asian diaspora, and to acknowledge the many contributions of the AAPI community to our nation. Girls and leaders have plenty of activities to choose from to earn this fun patch, and we encourage girls from all ethnic backgrounds to participate. Not a free patch.

English PDF
Spanish PDF

June is LGBTQ+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer) Pride Month, an annual celebration of the achievements, impact, and contributions of the LGBTQ+ community in the United States. In June we also commemorate the Stonewall uprising which marks the beginning of a movement to outlaw discriminatory laws and practices against LGBTQ+ Americans. As Girl Scouts we deeply value diversity and inclusion. A Girl Scout is a friend and ally to all families.  Not a free patch.

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Spanish PDF

Throughout November, Native American Heritage Month celebrates the cultures, histories, and countless contributions that Native American communities have provided to the United States. We invite you to take this opportunity to learn more about the cultures of the Indian Nations in your state and across the country. We’ve got plenty of activities to choose from, so you can make new discoveries and have tons of fun learning while earning a fun patch!  Not a free patch. 

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All girls can earn the Scouting Northeast Texas patch by learning about their community. This is not a free patch.

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Celebrate being a Girl Scout during the month of March! Girl Scout's Birthday month is the best time to learn about Girl Scout's History and how to truly be a Girl Scout. Build friendships and a stronger bond with your Girl Scout sisters as you complete this patch. Not a free patch.  

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Camp Project Partner 
Earn this patch by doing a special camp service project on any GSNETX campsite. This is not a free patch.
Girls can earn the TLC Camper patch when they (1) demonstrate ‘‘tender loving care’’ for council camp grounds, equipment and facilities, and (2) satisfactorily complete the Camp Site Check-Out List. This is not a free patch. Sold as a set.
Spark curiosity, creativity, and courage. Through a series of hands-on activities, girls will discover their unique brain powers, connect with others creatively, and take actions to inspire their family, friends, and communities to lead brain-healthy lives. Available year-round. Download PDF
By implementing the Healthy Relationships Patch Program, schools create an environment where students not only choose kindness but also become advocates for positive change, transforming the fabric of their communities. Download PDF (English)  | O Español

When it comes to caring for your mental wellness, the new Girl Scouts Mental Wellness patch program reminds you that you’re never alone in facing challenges and further invites you to dive into and understand your emotions.

Junior Knowing My Emotions Curriculum Download PDF
Cadette Finding My Voice Curriculum Download PDF
Seniors/Ambassadors Showing Up for Me and You Download PDF

The Mental Wellness patch program was made possible by the HCA Healthcare Foundation and developed in collaboration with the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI). The patches are provided free to GSNETX Girl Scouts thanks to the Medical City Foundation.

Girls will learn about mental health issues and how it affects our community. This patch program is held in partnership with Okay to Say™. Complete this patch anytime this year. Download PDF

Las niñas también aprenderán cómo ser Girl Scouts más consideradas y compasivas a medida que aprendan sobre el impacto que las emociones y los pensamientos tienen sobre su propio comportamiento y el de los demás. Está Bien Decir
For Girl Scout troops who camp at any GSNETX campsite. This patch consists of basic patch and segments that represent each council campsite.
Visit GSNETX camps to earn this five-part Totem Pole patch through fun outdoor activities.
Tally Ho, Girl Scout! Nature Cat and his pals have teamed up with Girl Scouts of Northeast Texas to head outside. Now that you have downloaded the Girl Scout Explorer Patch Program Guide, get started on your outdoor adventure! Earn a free Nature Cat Explorer patch by completing one activity from each of the character sections: Nature Cat, Daisy, Squeeks, and Hal. 

Click here to learn more. 
Earn this patch by camping in a tent (including platform tents) for one night when the temperature reaches 32 degrees or below at any GSNETX campsite.
Girls of "Note" encourages girls to continue one of the traditional skills of Girl Scouts: singing. As you go along in Girl Scouts, you’ll learn more and more songs each year! This is not a free patch.
Brownies through Ambassadors will learn to fold a flag, say the Pledge of Allegiance in sign language and conduct a formal flag ceremony, just to name a few, in order to earn these badges. This is not a free patch.

Mission Military is an opportunity to learn more about military service and history. Girls of all grades can earn this patch. This is not a free patch.

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The summer reading program is designed to encourage Girl Scouts to read, even when school is out! As with all activities, parents should be comfortable with the reading material their children choose. This is not a free patch.
Uncover the fascinating stories of women who were Girl Scouts through Scouting Our Past.  This is not a free patch.